I dreamed I went to a school in Italy or Spain, somewhere like that. I loved it. The people at school were fascinating. In order to get there, we flew in this unique shuttle, then we went deep under water. It was beautiful looking at the underwater scenery and sea creatures. Someone working on the plane was acting like they didn’t want us to know we were underwater. We arrived at our destination. I guess I didn’t realize we were at a school, because I hadn’t registered for classes. People there said make sure you register for class with this one teacher they said was fabulous. I started making a few friends and slowly becoming a part of a social group. Normally I would have been so intimated but I wasn’t as much this time. I realized did have to speak up and not act small for the group to accept me. It was okay. It was kind of like I had to have the confidence to be myself, I couldn’t be so shy, and then they warmed up to me and liked me. Before I got there at the school, I ran into this slightly older guy who said to me that I didn’t belong there and he’d do everything in his power to stop me and show everyone who I was. He felt I was too low class. When we got to the school, it was really neat. I kept asking when school was starting because I needed to register for classes, and they’d say tomorrow or the next day. For now I was just getting to know people. For it to be a bit higher class, the people weren’t small minded. People were unique and different. I kept hanging out with people slowly warming up to them and being welcomed. At one point I realized that we never went outside and there were no windows. I asked if we were deep in the ocean because of what I saw flying over. I didn’t mind being underwater, but they seemed secretive about it, so I didn’t know. I thought it may make me feel claustrophobic and nervous. One of my new friends was talking about decorating the perfect home. She mentioned a white faux fur chair and an antique mirror. She had images. It looked beautiful. I wanted to decorate my home like that. Then she started talking about types of furniture and home decor that I didn’t know about. I wanted to learn about home decorating now. It seemed like if I belonged here and in this class, I should know these things. They all seemed to know things like this. Maybe I needed to learn more things in order to belong. Overall, I was fitting in more and more. I was making friends with people I really liked and related to better. Ultimately I feel I’d be more comfortable here with these people. They did seem a higher class than what I came from and they weren’t super quick to accept new people, but they were good people, open to interesting things, not at all small minded. The time came for us to go back home. Back home, I lived in the same townhouse I live in now in real life, but in a city I used to live in, and my Mom lived with me. I looked forward to fixing my home up like what I was learning about. I wished I wasn’t only starting this now. I wished I could have done it before. But I now I can. I looked forward to it. A new friend of mine said I should come visit her and her family in Colorado, and I said you should come visit me as well. We were true friends. It was such a neat experience.
This dream seems to reflect feelings of self-discovery, acceptance, and a desire for personal growth. The setting of the dream in a school in Italy or Spain represents a new learning experience and the opportunity for personal development. The unique shuttle ride and journey under water could symbolize a deep exploration of your subconscious mind or emotions.
Encountering the older guy who said you didn't belong and feeling the need to prove yourself could indicate inner insecurities or fears of not being good enough. However, as the dream progresses and you start to make friends and feel more accepted, it suggests a gradual shift towards self-confidence and the importance of being authentic to gain acceptance from others.
The focus on home decoration and the desire to learn new things in order to belong may suggest a need for self-improvement or a desire to elevate your surroundings and lifestyle. The friends you make in the dream could represent aspects of yourself that you admire or aspire to, and the idea of visiting each other in different locations signifies a bond and mutual respect.
Overall, this dream may be encouraging you to embrace your uniqueness, build self-confidence, and continue exploring new opportunities for growth and connection with others. It could also be highlighting a desire for personal development and improvement in different areas of your life.